In February 2008, Steven Spielberg pulled out of his role as creative advisor to the 2008 Beijing Olympics in response to the Chinese government's involvement with the government of Sudan.
Spielberg issued a statement, stating "I find that my conscience will not allow me to continue business as usual ... Sudan's government bears the bulk of the responsibility for these on-going crimes, but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more."
It was of course, Spielberg's work that would ultimately have to face the brunt of the backlash. Being a partner at DreamWorks made its latest venture Kung Fu Panda face a myriad of quick jabs and roundhouse kicks from the Chinese.
Chinese critics slammed the film and asked moviegoers to boycott it. Another group, backed by Chinese artist Zhao Bandi, who uses pandas as an inspiration for his work, also called for a boycott, saying the animated film is exploiting a national symbol.
But it's been two weeks since its release in China and already the movie has become a runaway success, generating some $12 million and becoming one this year's biggest hits. Kung Fu Panda has clearly dodged all attacks and conquered Chinese cinemagoers.
Although he isn't part of the Olympics, it's pretty clear that Spielberg has bagged the gold on this one.